Business Services

Permanent Staffing

At Page1, with every assignment, our ultimate goal is to deliver results, not just for today, but results that last well into the future. By leveraging our understanding of the client’s strategy and requirements, combined with our broader skill capability in search, selection and evaluation, we find those individuals that not only are today’s problem solvers but who will be tomorrow’s leaders.

Clients are looking for specialists rather then Generic hiring shops as their needs are proportional to the ever changing economy. At Page1 we address this need by positioning us as both strategic partner and service provider. In most cases the hiring managers work with individuals rather than the company and hence we employ consultants who are specialists in various industry practices. In search industry the size of a firm is becoming more irrelevant as their needs are becoming more specialized. Our customized search and selection methodology allows us to support the clients in niche skills, volume and turn-key hiring.